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Check out the ROTG young reader Series

R. J Dyson is a husband, father, coach through Creativista Coaching, and author of several books, including Lexicon of Awesome, The Edge, Create Day Journal, and more. 

He's convinced that we’re all designed with the ability to imagine and create with purpose...



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Creativity is your sweet spot. Songwriter, artist, author, you create because you feel alive with purpose when you do. But something's off. Maybe you feel like you're in a dry spell OR realize you're undisciplined with poor habits OR you've never cast a vision and are wondering if now is a good time? Now is a great time! How many more days, months, years are you willing to trudge in place? 


Listen, Life Coaching for Creatives is a partnership designed to help you discover, clarify and take steps on your creative journey. Together we make a plan to move from where you are to where you want to be.

rethink poverty is a small project born out of my desire as a husband, dad, and Christ-follower to push back on the poverty of heart, mind, body, and spirit infused into the world around us. I'm convinced that engaging poverty of any kind happens first by faith in Adonai, and when at all possible, around the of the most sacred spaces in the life of a family.

Check out the first fruits of rethink poverty, our Family Jesus Remembrance Kit, and prepare to spend time breaking bread together as a family, on purpose.




  • Writer's pictureR.J Dyson

Imagine demanding that every song written from here on out meet the multi-cultural sonic desire of every human on earth. Absurd. Dare I say, tyrannically narcissistic? In claiming to include everyone we'd no doubt exclude nearly everyone. This Utopian dream cannot happen this side of Heaven.

The modern narrow idea of inclusivity is not only unrealistic, it's unhelpful.

What you're creating right now will not be accepted by all. It will not be liked by all. Not everyone will agree with its quality, value, message or style. And they shouldn't. They can't.

You and I can't either.

You and I have boundaries we don't want to cross and will not agree with those who cross them. Just as not everyone agrees on the perfect color, city, movie or meal, the masses will not agree with you on every detail of your creativity, mission or method.

But there is a tribe eager to experience what you bring to the table. I'm convinced that God wired us this way, to be unique creations taking part in larger communities of unique creatures. And these communities ebb and flow.

Sure, everyone might very well be welcome to the show. But you and I both know that not everyone should be grafted into your creative studio space, shaping your creative habits and curating your creative thoughts and message.

Go be who you're designed to be, Boo.

  • Writer's pictureR.J Dyson

First, make sure you're paying the bills. Taking care of your family. Stand firm in your faith and retain the spirit of freedom that America offers.

Second, work toward your creative goal. Work hard. Work at a steady pace and work with focus. Then ship it ASAP. Ship it before you abandon your steadfast bill-pay. Ship it. And if they want what you got, work harder and offer more. If not, go back to the drawing board, tweak it, change it, set a new goal and work at it. Then ship it!

Be faithful.

Work hard.

Ship it.


It's on you.

  • Writer's pictureR.J Dyson

Are you continuing to learn the very thing: the subject, the form, the technique, the data, the procedures, the healthiest rhythm of life, faith and creative habits - for your end goal?

There are four stages on the I know what I'm good at and I'm passing it on to others who will one day be proficient enough to pass it on as well road to joyfully successful living. Because success in an area isn't just about you and I achieving our goals, but inviting others along for the ride in order to grow and achieve theirs as well. Where are you on this journey?

  1. I do it.

  2. I do it - and you watch.

  3. You do it - and I watch.

  4. You do it.

Are you doing it?

Are you learning, growing and practicing the healthiest version of your creative pursuit? Whether it's writing and seeking out more depth of insight into your writing habits, subject or skills. Or songwriting and reaching out to those in your city and circle of influence who can help you shape your craft as you craft it daily. Or parenting and leaning into parents further along the journey who you trust and trust the fruit of. Do you understand your craft, your values and your mission?

And are you living out the mission toward your goal on a daily basis? Are you living the life of a more engaged mom or dad? Are you making the hard decisions to say NO to the many in order to say YES to the few under your roof? Are you doing the same with writing books, songs, screenplays, business plans, church plants etc?

Are you first doing it and doing it healthy, well, faithfully and with joy?

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Thanks for joining the journey!

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