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R. J Dyson | FAQ

What is the Return of the Guide Series about? The world is upside down. Several generations have passed since the global reset spurred on by the Anti-Libertas movement. On Compound 40 two students are mentally and emotionally awakened by a mysterious glow, an orb that guides them to discover the truth. But when Principal Chicanery finds out, things begin to get a little out of hand....


Ultimately, it's an amalgamation of How the Irish Saved Civilization, 1984, and the Book of Acts, only in the future. History rhymes, doesn't it?


How many books will there be in the ROTG Series? Currently there are three. As the story unfolds in my heart and mind, we'll most likely see Heschel and co. back in action as the Glow leads them onward!


What do you do when you're not writing? Good question. I spend lots of time with my wife and kids, which is a huge source of joy on this life adventure. I also spend time in Scripture trying to understand both who Jesus is in the context of divinity and who I am as a disciple and creature made in God's image. Part of my study overflows into my time spent shaping a mentoring and group-life culture through our local church as the Discipleship Pastor. I also serve as a Life Coach for Creatives through Creativista Coaching. Oh and I help layout and design other projects through Absolutely Unprofessional.


Do you have any pets? We have stray neighborhood cats that think they own our garden beds. Does that count? I think you meant to say pests not pets. That said, we used to have a dwarf hamster named Gimli. Used to.


A lot of what you write and reference is spiritual, why is that? Another good question! I believe Jesus is who he modeled and claimed to be. Seems to me that has an all-encompassing impact on everything heart, mind, body, and soul. Almost like the glow dwells in the flesh.


Do you host workshops? Sometimes. Keep an eye out at conferences for short sessions where I spend time coaching attendees through the GROW model, or workshops on Creative Habits.​


When were you born? Yes.


Do you have a degree in coaching or writing? I have a degree in Biblical Studies. I like to learn, so I continue to study through multiple avenues. In particular, for trusted advising and latest practices I have and will continue to learn from the Professional Christian Coaching Institute. I also read, take classes on, and learn about the writing process from many current authors, editors, and professors. Does that count?


Do you like what you do? Yeah. I'm blessed to be engaged with others on this journey.


If I email you, will you get back to me? I'll do my very best to respond. Unfortunately, I can't guarantee it.



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R. J Dyson is a husband, father, coach through Creativista Coaching, and author of several books, including Lexicon of Awesome, Return of the Guide Series, Create Day Journal, and more.


He's convinced that we’re all designed with the ability to imagine and create with purpose, yet many co-creators wrestle with negative self-talk, misdirection, and life in a victim mindset. To remedy this, he partners with created-creative people, inviting them to discern a vision of what could be, instigate a clear mission with confidence, and act on their unique context one step at a time through healthy habits.​


Married to an amazing woman, together, they're helping their three kids discover who Christ designed them to be and how they can live that out fully engaged in their own pursuits.


Life - Faith - Creative Pursuits



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