First of all, it seems that everyone is experiencing interruption in their normal rhythm of life in some way, shape or form and to all sorts of varying degrees.
Second of all, it seems that each one of us has an opportunity right here and right now. Those of us continuing to live and move and breath deep when the light begins to shine again have a choice, an opportunity to learn something through this unique season that will change the way we ____________________ (fill in your life change).
How are you growing today?
What are you developing that will foster greater life in coming months? Character, skills, information, wisdom, a business plan, patience, confidence, new habits...
Who are you impacting with your new mission, vision or discoveries?
How are you going to be a better version of you through this adventure?
Are you praying, meditating, re-framing your situation, pressing into God for wisdom and boldness and perseverance?
What are the habits you're forming that will carry over into the next season?
How are you releasing the dead weight of false expectations, victim mentality (real or imagined), hopelessness... and putting the pieces of your own action plan together?
This interruption on a grande scale is awful for so many... if you haven't already, start responding today. Renew your mind and begin preparing for your next breath of fresh air.