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R.J's Posts

  • Writer's pictureR.J Dyson

Ingredients for Enjoying the Creative Ride

Are you enjoying the journey?

Let me throw out a few questions to help you foster some insight and action in experiencing greater enjoyment on the adventure toward your goals.

Q. What are you thankful for? Today. Tonight. Tomorrow morning. What are you grateful for in your creative pursuits?

Q. How is your schedule assisting your passion? Are you disciplined or scattered and haphazard in your creative habits, rhythms and output?

Q. Are you aware and engaged in what matters most? Relationships, faith, family, personal responsibilities, maturity etc. How are you investing in the deeper sources of your creativity?

When we're thankful, organized and grabbing ahold of what and who matters most in life, well, our creative adventure's are worth the effort, sacrifice and risk. Is yours?

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