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How Are You Voting?

Writer's picture: R.J DysonR.J Dyson

So, how are you voting?

No. I'm not talking about the presidential race or congress or your local school board. Yeah, these are important and in the freest constitutional free-market republic in the history of the world, it's vital for us to engage with depth of insight.

But I'm talking about how you're voting with your time and with your talents and with the money you have available to put toward your goals and creative pursuits.

Every decision you make today, tomorrow and for the rest of 2020 is a micro-vote for your success, for your freedom to move forward in the direction you desire to go with your creative career, for your faith as you weave it in and through your journey. Your daily decisions are daily votes for the person you want to be and become. Your daily decisions as you share your God-breathed creativity with those around you.

So, how are you going to vote?

On a side note: I thank God you and I have the constitutional freedoms we do. Freedoms that American artists, unlike many in other countries, live and feel and breathe on a daily basis. Freedoms that are wildly self-evident. Like the freedom of speech (to sing and write and paint what we desire), freedom of faith (to believe and think and ground ourselves in what we believe) and the freedom of ownership of our creative property (from songs to workshops to businesses to books).

Creatives, I pray your freedom to create rings loud.

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Life - Faith - Creative Pursuits


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