Attitude changes things.
Attitude is another way of noting our mindset. And our mindset is the combination of what we're thinking, feeling and then displaying through body and word.
Let me ask you this:
Q. What's your attitude toward your creative pursuits today?
Q. How is your mindset setting you up for this season's adventure? Are you dwelling on victim-hood, blaming others for your position? Or are you set on discovery, progress and the goal set before you?
Q. Who do you know that models a great, divine and infectiously fantastic attitude? What attribute can you pick up and begin to wear yourself?
Sure some people around you with crappy attitudes function like obstacles. I think you know how to address this. But more than likely people are ready to partner, to encourage, to be part of something exciting and to serve you as you humbly bring an attitude of partnership, service and sacrifice to the table.
Shift your perspective and you'll foster a better attitude. Shift you're attitude and begin to foster a new perspective.
How's your attitude serving you these days? Since attitude is the overflow of your heart, maybe a another question is, how's your heart?