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rethink poverty FAQs

What is rethink poverty?
rethink poverty is a heavy-sounding way of encouraging families to reflect on and then redeem and rebuild intentional habits, rhythms, and time with Christ Jesus under their roofs - planting and tending the seeds of fulfillment in Him. Poverty, at its most basic level, is simply a lack of ______________. You and I, as parents and caregivers to the next generation, we're qualified and commissioned to raise our kids in the way, truth, and life of Christ. Rather than let the world shape their hearts and minds and bodies and faith, you and I get to own this blessing. It's a must. And it happens first in our hearts and lives as parents when the Gospel changes us, then in our homes and in our schedules and family habits as Gospel truth is lived out, and finally spilling over onto the world around us as.


Here at rethink poverty, we want to help build you up in your mission to reclaim your family habits one kit at a time. The kits aren't magic beans, they're simply tangible helps for setting time and space apart specifically to be with Christ together. Imagine building up a Colossians 3v1-21 style home, one habit at a time.


Spiritual Poverty
The lack of deep-rooted faith in Christ and Christ-like family rhythms have spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and relationally impoverished our homes. Unfortunately, this sort of willy-nilly living (spiritual term) makes our homes susceptible to the empty, confusing, and destructive philosophies of the world around us. We want to help you build up your home and overcome poverty by supporting you with tangible, ancient practices bundled up in kits that will empower you to confidently create new spiritual habits. These habits and rhythms aren't magic, we have to discipline ourselves as parents to put these into practice, but in a world turning God's design upside down, we're responsible for teaching and passing on Christ's way, truth, life, and defense against those seeking to snatch the very identity of those we're divinely entrusted with. Let's overcome the poverty of spiritual habits in our homes together.


Read Philippians 3v12-4v1 for a reminder of why we ought to overcome spiritual poverty.


Healthy Habit Poverty
Yeah, this is connected to spiritual poverty, everything is. That said, our families, even with the best intentions, often succumb to the habits and rhythms of the world around us, and these rhythms aren't designed to build families up in healthy community but to pull us apart. Habits and schedules create family rhythms. In the same way we like music with rhythm, as opposed to random sounds mushed together, when our family habits are chaotic, so often is our faith, relationships, values, emotions, and time together. Rethink Poverty is the overflow of our family trying to figure out how to create sustainable, repeatable, divinely-sourced habits and schedules and rhythms of life that glorify God, offer him space to bless us, and help us as parents lead our kids in grace and truth and spiritual strength.


Read Deuteronomy 6v4-9 for a great image of overcoming the poverty of healthy family habits and rhythms.


Stewardship Not ESG

We're designed by and for Creator God, the Designer of all that's seen and unseen. And we're called to define our values in him, honoring him with our time, talents, and treasures. Christ is sovereign over all that is, to the disdain and chagrin of any worldly economic forum overreaching for power. Read Colossians 1.

We're healthiest in community, and community is the replication of the Trinity in relationship, and relationships are the overflow of humanity made in God's image. Rethink poverty exists within this community to serve the divine relationship of the family made in his image. Read 1 Timothy 3.


We're stewards of creation who desire to engage creation responsibly, not through world-worship or man-centric, unsocial justice, but through the freedom to dive into the market at hand as we tend to our families, faith, and creation well. Read Genesis 1.


A Family Deal

Yeah, we're first and foremost the overflow of a family rhythm growing in creative ways to stave off poverty. Like Paul once said, we haven't yet attained perfection, and we aren't on the other side of the Heaven / Earth divide, so until then, we want to keep pressing forward, grasping for Christ and his ways right here under our roof. And as we put these into practice, we want to invite you to dive in, shape your home, your kids, and the world around you, however you see fit. 


Life - Faith - Creative Pursuits



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