Is it a painting from that trip to the beach? How about a stone from that hike with the kids? Maybe it's wearing that pair of shoes that seems to literally carry you boldly one step at a time?
What structures (symbols) in your life remind you to keep moving toward the goal? To keep becoming the person you want to be? To live your God-breathed purpose in your current context?
I don't know about you, but when I wing-it day after day, I find myself looking back and straining to see what good came of those days and hours. On the other hand, when I have a vision, schedule, goals and structures in place that encourage and challenge and remind me to press onward... sure time still moves fast, yeah, but it's full. It's built upon. I'm lifted up and motivated. It's refreshing in that deep Holy Spirit is at work in my gut sort of way when I'm face down in a ditch.
Maybe it's 1 Corinthians 13:11-13 on your dashboard. Or that gift trinket gift from your kid. What's you're structure? OR are you busy straining to see what just happened?