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Writer's pictureR.J Dyson

It's Inevitable

It's inevitable, you and I are going to create. We're going to create schedules and expectations and kids and art and personal displays of worship and belief. We're co-creators right here in the dirt, it's what we do.

The question isn't, "Am I creative?"

Our questions ought to be, "How will I create with what I have?" "What resources do I lack to create what I'd like to create?" "Who am I going to create with?" "Do I trust the Creator on this journey of creating the life I want to share with others?"

So, how's the schedule you've created? Is it honoring your values, your family and your God? How about the kids you've helped co-create? Are you helping them learn and grow and mature in a way that captures their divine strengths, talents and gifts OR sitting by the wayside? How about your creative pursuits? Are you pursuing them with healthy habits and a fruitful rhythm?

It's inevitable, we're creating right this very minute. How are you creating?

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