Settle down, let's just unpack this a bit.
What is $$ for my future me? Long term investment. Retirement. Financial planning with the futurized old man Rich D. in mind. Rather than expect a monetary inheritance from an older family member, $$ for my future me comes from a young version of myself. The Rich of today stashing a gift away for the Rich of tomorrow. There's a peace of mind that comes with that image.
Creativity isn't money. Now some of us have monetized our creative pursuits. Some of us create in such a way that people seem to flock toward our creative fruit: music, kitchen designs, culturally relevant and colorful art etc. Keep going!
But creativity itself? Holding back your creativity with the idea that one day in the far future you'll explode on the scene with 50 years of stored up creative offerings... probably not.
In fact, while living reserved and saving our money is key to having $$ later on... creativity is the opposite. Spend it. Create as much as you can while you can. Sure, plan and learn and grow in skill and map out your productions and work hard at your craft - but more often than not, creating what you can today will not only capture the spirit and minds of people here and now, but will propel you forward to the next project. You'll learn, grow, shift gears, press into faith, discover strengths and weaknesses. There's a peace of heart, soul and mind that comes with this practice.
Be wise with your creativity. Be wise with your money, of course. Who knows, doing one may very well lead to the other.