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R.J's Posts

  • Writer's pictureR.J Dyson

A New Year - A New Victim?

Yeah, I know, January 1st is simply the next day. But it's also a fantastically cliche opportunity to draw a line in the sand, step over it and walk forward. And sand isn't easy to travel in, is it? It's slow, unstable, collects in the shoes, bakes in the sun, blows in the eyes, ruins a good ham and cheese etc. But that's how life rolls on a journey.

Creatives, parents and entrepreneurs - don't let the upset of a virus that mortally wounds .4% humanity destroy 100% of your plans, goals and willingness to play in the sand.

Parents, creatives, entrepreneurs and pastors - don't let the false bluff that is critical theory (intersectionality, victimology, identity politics, cultural marxism, diversity-inclusion-equity) steal the daily opportunity you have to impact your future, your family, your audience, your team and your body of believers. Don't be a slave to false claims about who you're supposed to be according to ____________ (fill in your toxic voice / club of choice). Instead, lean into your values of working, encouraging, engaging, uplifting, challenging, critically thinking, researching, praying and courageously stepping forward in the sand despite the insidious lies the woke mob is trying to label you with.

You're art isn't equal to / with another. But it's filled with what you have to offer here and now. You're art isn't going to be responded to equitably. But your tribe of fans, family and followers will engage it earnestly.

Parents, your choices, opportunities and resources will never be equitably distributed. The world has never been fairly resourced since that beautiful Garden long ago. The input and the outcome will always be unequal and mysterious. But the values of faith and family, courage and curiosity, grace and truth, work and play and rest... these values infused into your life, your kids lives and shared with the diverse world around you will undoubtedly stir up more choices, more opportunities and more resources for the new year.

Sure, you could blame others. You could sit and wait. You could selfishly expect others to do it. You could stay bitter, angry and outraged. You could stay hurt. You could cancel the person, business or book you disagree with. You could get revenge.

Or you could gird up your loins and step forward in faith and focus. After all, you're completely free to decide the next step.

Looking forward to seeing you out in the sand running hard together. And who knows? Maybe we'll even make it to ocean and catch a few waves this year!

Happy New Year!

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